Roach Service
Service Description
Cockroaches are a quickly reproducing, virus and bacteria carrying insects that survive in damp conditions with a food source and shelter. Treatment Details: 1.Residual: *We use a liquid product to treat all baseboards and carpeted areas of the treated areas 2. Flush: *We use a flushing agent to flush out the cockroaches from cracks or crevices, voids, equipment (including refrigerators and microwaves) and any other harborage areas. The flushing eliminates cockroaches immediately 3. Dust: *We use a dust in the cracks and crevices being very thorough 4. Bait: *Finishing treatment with baiting in common areas to prevent cockroach activity 5. Follow up service: *Service includes a Free follow up service within 14 days after 1st service visit. **Booking Policy** Bookings will open 14 days before the session starts. Bookings close 12 hours before the session starts. Cancellation Policy: To cancel or reschedule, please give us a call at (800) 769-7988
Contact Details
Eco Pest Solutions, West Diversey Avenue, Chicago, IL, USA